Q:Where do you find good equipment reviews for setting up a makerspace?
A1) The team at MakinMaker.com believes in a personalized approach to helping educators plan their makerspaces and can answer questions regarding many of the supplies you might be considering.
A2) The K-12 Fab Labs and Makerspaces Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/k-12-fablabs) is one of the best places to connect with folks experienced with a wide range of makerspace equipment and tools. A quick search of the group for the type of equipment or specific brand/model you are interested in will usually turn up existing conversations with helpful information. If it doesn’t, a simple question with relevant context and background (that’s crucial) will usually elicit a response within a short time.
A3) I have also found that YouTube, believe it or not, often has terrific and helpful reviews (not to mention how-to videos) for a wide variety of tools and products. Definitely search there, too.
A4) The best equipment is in line with the goals, philosophy, outcomes and themes of your makerspace.