Q: Do you have ideas on how to integrate making into the math classroom?
Take a look at this post, which highlights a space that uses data as inspiration for making and creating http://worlds-of-learning.com/2017/04/04/box-approach-makerspaces/. In addition, my students recently designed fidget spinners for our 3d printer and then performed all sorts of experiments and collected and analyzed data related to their creations.
I use code.org Hour of Code. The Ana and Elsa coding game are full of angles, adding and multiplying, in addition to learning coding. Really need to problem solve using mathematics.
Honestly, I’ve done more math laser cutting projects with my son than we’ve done in homework. Give them the tools and let them create and they will WANT to do the math.
Middle school math works well with turtle art, fractals and laser cutters. Any kind of Scratch programming works well as a math and computational thinking tool.
Have your students create anything to be 3D printed or laser cut/engraved…you will have them doing real math in no time, simply because they want to make their designs right/perfect!