Q: I need help inspiring my Maker Lab Specialist to wow me with new and exciting things. Do you have ideas on how to do that?
The best way to inspire is to support their efforts and give her the autonomy to make decisions. In addition, encourage them to go on site visits to see other makerspaces and to talk to other amazing maker educators. Conferences are a great means of inspiring too- there are many geared specifically towards librarians. Ultimately though, there is a shift in mindset in a makerspace. It isn’t the work of the educators in them that should awe and inspire, it is the amazing things are students do in these spaces.
I would look for areas of overlap in your interests. What excites both you and your MLS about this kind of work? What maker technologies or topics are you / they into? Do you see any overlaps in tools (electronics / wearables; 2D / 3D design; coding / programming; design & prototyping; microcontrollers / microprocessors; etc.)? Perhaps you are both motivated to make a difference in the community (designing solutions to real-world problems)? Inspiration is intrinsic, so, how is your MLS (and how are you) experiencing or learning about the most innovative and exciting things happening in the space? Could you possibly attend a Maker Faire or similar event together? Finally, determine how to leverage these common areas of interest into projects or initiatives that align with your district or organization’s strategic objectives and you will build a powerful, impactful program.