Q: I'm interested a bit in the invention, development and (mis-)use of the STEM/STEAM acronym in the US and elsewhere. Do you have any background info on this topic?
I would be careful with lessons around the idea of a makerspace. If you are going to do lessons then think of it more as a Stem or STEAM Lab. The reason for this is because you are going to end up having everyone doing the same projects. Now you could create stations and allow learners to explore these stations through some teachable activities. I would suggest doing something like that. Depending on what you have for tools will depend on what you can open up for stations.
Literacy can be a fantastic place to begin a MakerEd lesson. One idea could be to have students create a solution to a problem in a fairy tale. For example, students on our campus re-wrote the ending of Rapunzel so that the heroine was able to use her own ingenuity to escape from the tower (based on the students’ designs of course). This was very empowering for every learner, especially the girls.