Q: I would love to explore more about making for/with community integration. It would be fun to brainstorm informal design challenge contests in which makers learn and collaborate together. Are there programs like this online somewhere already?
Follow #dtk12chat on Twitter! Loads of great teachers, ideas, and challenges presented daily…great way to make connections that can blossom into these things too. Be sure to follow @spencerideas on Twitter too…he and A.J. Juliani just recently ran a Mars Challenge for anyone who wanted to get their class in on it.
I definitely suggest following @ajjuliani and @spencerideas on Twitter. They have some great design challenges they have run that might be right up your alley. I also have leveraged the power of Twitter through following #dtk12chat and #Elemaker. This has been a great way to connect to other maker educators, but also connect my students to other classrooms in the world. Start by lurking and learning, then connect with like-minded teachers who wouldn’t mind trying a design challenge with your classroom! Shoot…I’d be willing! @pburgstem on Twitter